I am using Cronometer to ensure a healthy diet during pregnancy despite onerous dietary restrictions. Given that I have a reaction to pre-natal vitamins, the ability to view my daily intake of key nutrients such as folate is paramount. The app allowed me to flag myself as pregnant (on the gender screen during setup). It then set the recommended daily intake for all nutrients tracked and added the most important of these to a visual dashboard. These selections are all editable, so as I work with my doctor over the next 9 months I will be able to adjust my targets based on her advice.
One helpful tip: the generic (i.e. search) entries for items such as frozen produce, eggs, honey, etc are more accurate than the information you get through a barcode scan. The brand-specific entries brought up through the barcode scan are only as accurate as the manufacturer’s information while Cronometer’s own entries includes far more accurate information on content of iron, folate, etc. based on USDA data.
Angus MacGregor about Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker